The architecture firm ARCHITECTURES MARCO BAERTICH is an amalgamation of an architecture agency, an interior decoration agency, a design office structure, a fluid studies office and an architecture design office.

  • Architectes D.P.L.G.

    Conception – Realisation

    Paris – Toulouse – Milan

    MARCO BAERTICH agency was born from the association of two complementarities, Sophie Marco and Richard Baertich. Today it is a, an entity implanted in three cities  (Toulouse, Paris and Milan) and it is composed of fifteen collaborators (including five architects) distributed among the five structures : Architecture, Interior decoration, DO Structure, DO Fluid, DO Architecture. The agency is constantly evolving thanks to its training center and to the related disciplines studies to broaden its know-how and enrich its professional practices. Every project is unique ; it is driven in a listening spirit and looking for customization. The desire of our agency is to preserve the soul of places or their environment, in a climate of trust and mutual envy with the contracting authorities. Of this created link can arise a sensitive architecture.


  • Interior Design Agency

    Paris – Milan


    The BERGO Interior Design Agency is associated with all projects of the architectural firm, for customized and unique universes: creation of custom furniture and lighting, choice of materials, retail design, signage design, graphics, brand identity


    • Bureau d’études techniques structure


      Managed by Camille PINCHON, BIM STRUCTURE is a structured design office, composed of four employees. As soon as necessary, BIM Structure is associated with the agency’s projects to implement the technical solutions adapted to each project. On all its projects, the architecture agency works according to the BIM process with BIM Structure.

    • Bureau d’études techniques Fluides


      Managed by Ronan SCOTTO, BIM FLUIDS is a Fluid specialized design office, CVC-plumbing-CFO-CFA. BIM Fluids is associated with the projects of the agency to implement technical solutions in CVC – plumbing – CFO – CFA adapted to each project. On all its projects, the architecture agency works according to the BIM process with BIM Fluids.

    • Bureau d’études en Architecture


      BIM ART ET PATRIMOINE is the design office of the agency. It aims to improve our professional practices. by training (BIM ART ET PATRIMOINE is an approved training center), and the implementation of new professional practices (3D scanner surveys with its own FARO equipment, the modeling of point clouds, the use of the latest software). BIM ART ET PATRIMOINE also ensures the economy of construction, and the prime contractor for the execution of operations.


      Agency’s ressources :


      PREMISES :

      350 m² in the center of Toulouse

      6 parking places

      Executive car for going to work sites

      2 meeting rooms equipped with video and teleconference

      1 material library of 50m²



      15 working spaces

      • 6 working spaces REVIT Architectures
      • 4 working spaces REVIT STRUCTURE (structure)
      • 1 working space REVIT MEP (fluides)

      5 IPAD tablets including 3 for site monitoring

      1 scanner FARO M70 : 3D survey service within the agency

      2 laptops

      2 printers-scanner of which 1 tracer A0

      3 continuous backup of computer data: 1 internal backup and 2 externalized backups.

      1 internal IT department including specialized in the security of IT data

      1 internal site integrating private & secure access for each Project Manager of the agency


      SOFTWARE :

      Design architecture division:

      • Suite Microsoft Exchange
      • REVIT (Process BIM)
      • AUTOCAD
      • RHINOCEROS – GRASSHOPER (parametric modeling )
      • RECAP – SCENE – POINT CAB (3D survey FARO)
      • LUMION (Realistic photo and video rendering)


      Architecture division : works & realisations

      • Suite Microsoft Exchange
      • Suite ADOBE : PDF
      • MS PROJECT (planning)
      • ATTIC+ (economy of construction)
      • FINAL CAD : site tracking software (on tablet IPAD)


      Architecture division  “administration” :

      • Suite Microsoft Exchange
      • Suite Adobe : INDESIGN – PHOTOSHOP – PDF
      • EURECIA : analytical monitoring of projects
      • COGILOG : HR management, payments and expenses
      • CHAMBER SIGN : electronic signature


      Architecture division  “Design & interior decoration” :

      • Suite Microsoft Exchange
      • RHINOCEROS – GRASSHOPER (parametric modeling)
      • LUMION (Realistic photo and video rendering)


      STRUCTURE Engineering :

      • Suite Microsoft Exchange
      • REVIT Structure
      • Robot


      FLUIDS  Engineering:

      • Suite Microsoft Exchange
      • Revit MEP